167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
Leetcode 问题: 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
Given a 1-indexed array of integers numbers that is already sorted in non-decreasing order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. Let these two numbers be numbers[index1] and numbers[index2] where 1 <= index1 < index2 <= numbers.length.
Return the indices of the two numbers, index1 and index2, added by one as an integer array [index1, index2] of length 2.
在有排序阵列中找出两个数,使它们的和为 target
解法 1,假设传入的整数阵列是 已按照大小排序
func twoSum167Solution1(NumberList []int, finalSumValue int) []int {
// 起始数字索引
frontNumberIndex := 0
// 后方数字索引
backNumberIndex := len(NumberList) - 1
for frontNumberIndex < backNumberIndex {
// 当前方索引没有超过后方索引,可以继续搜寻
// 索引数字总和
searchNumberSumValue := NumberList[frontNumberIndex] + NumberList[backNumberIndex]
if searchNumberSumValue == finalSumValue {
// 「索引数字总和」与「指定数字总和」相同,找到了
return []int{frontNumberIndex + 1, backNumberIndex + 1}
if searchNumberSumValue < finalSumValue {
// 「索引数字总和」小于「指定数字总和」,必需要更大的数字,前方索引往后
} else {
// 「索引数字总和」大于「指定数字总和」,必需要更小的数字,后方索引往前
return nil
解法 2,假设传入的整数阵列是 没有按照大小排序
func twoSum167Solution2(NumberList []int, finalSumValue int) []int {
numberReverseMapping := make(map[int]int)
for currentNumberKey, currentNumberValue := range NumberList {
// 找寻另一个数字
anotherNumber := finalSumValue - currentNumberValue
if otherValueKey, isOtherValueExist := numberReverseMapping[anotherNumber]; isOtherValueExist {
// 如果有另外一个数字的键值存在,回传其他数值键值 + 目前数值键值
return []int{otherValueKey + 1, currentNumberKey + 1}
// 没有找到另外一个数字,将此数字存入反向 Mapping 表中
numberReverseMapping[currentNumberValue] = currentNumberKey
return nil
package main
import (
type Question struct {
// 参数
// 答案
// 参数
type Parameter struct {
NumberList []int
finalSumValue int
// 答案
type Answer struct {
result []int
func main() {
QuestionList := []Question{
Parameter{[]int{2, 7, 11, 15}, 9},
Answer{[]int{1, 2}},
Parameter{[]int{3, 2, 4}, 6},
Answer{[]int{1, 2}},
Parameter{[]int{3, 2, 4}, 5},
Answer{[]int{0, 1}},
Parameter{[]int{0, 8, 7, 3, 3, 4, 2}, 11},
Answer{[]int{1, 3}},
Parameter{[]int{0, 1}, 1},
Answer{[]int{0, 1}},
Parameter{[]int{0, 3}, 5},
fmt.Printf("------------------------Leetcode Problem 167------------------------\n")
for _, question := range QuestionList {
// _, p := Question.Answer, Question.Parameter
param := question.Parameter
fmt.Printf("【input】:%v 【output】:%v\n", param, twoSum167Solution1(param.NumberList, param.finalSumValue))
fmt.Printf("【input】:%v 【output】:%v\n", param, twoSum167Solution2(param.NumberList, param.finalSumValue))
func twoSum167Solution1(NumberList []int, finalSumValue int) []int {
// 起始数字索引
frontNumberIndex := 0
// 后方数字索引
backNumberIndex := len(NumberList) - 1
for frontNumberIndex < backNumberIndex {
// 当前方索引没有超过后方索引,可以继续搜寻
// 索引数字总和
searchNumberSumValue := NumberList[frontNumberIndex] + NumberList[backNumberIndex]
if searchNumberSumValue == finalSumValue {
// 「索引数字总和」与「指定数字总和」相同,找到了
return []int{frontNumberIndex + 1, backNumberIndex + 1}
if searchNumberSumValue < finalSumValue {
// 「索引数字总和」小于「指定数字总和」,必需要更大的数字,前方索引往后
} else {
// 「索引数字总和」大于「指定数字总和」,必需要更小的数字,后方索引往前
return nil
func twoSum167Solution2(NumberList []int, finalSumValue int) []int {
numberReverseMapping := make(map[int]int)
for currentNumberKey, currentNumberValue := range NumberList {
// 找寻另一个数字
anotherNumber := finalSumValue - currentNumberValue
if otherValueKey, isOtherValueExist := numberReverseMapping[anotherNumber]; isOtherValueExist {
// 如果有另外一个数字的键值存在,回传其他数值键值 + 目前数值键值
return []int{otherValueKey + 1, currentNumberKey + 1}
// 没有找到另外一个数字,将此数字存入反向 Mapping 表中
numberReverseMapping[currentNumberValue] = currentNumberKey
return nil